Even Billy Shakespeare could use essay help

I hear it all the time, “I’m a great writer. I don’t need help with the essays.” Ironically, it’s usually the best writers who write the wrong essays.  There is a huge distinction between a great essay and a great college application essay. Excellent writers tend to write overly creative and often pretentious essays. I don’t want to be redundant so read my blog entry, “Mistake #3 Trying too hard to be creative.” These are not creative writing assignments.

Don’t underestimate the importance of college application essays. Don’t assume you’ll represent yourself in the best light, demonstrating your uniqueness and setting yourself apart from other candidates.

This isn’t a sales pitch for my services. Seek out advice from your English teacher, your Guidance Counselor, and watch some free videos (My videos are free) and discover what it means to write a really strong college application essay in spite of your own brilliant writing prowess. Save your great writing for your novel, screenplay or essay of the Treaty of Versailles. Learn what makes a great college application essay before you unleash your inner writer.


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